As one of the most renowned and a classic destination, the Serengeti National Park is the most attractive National park that creates a stir in the mind of every tourist. The varied flora and fauna in this destination followed by the vast wilderness along with the rich grounds of grazing, there are a number of factors that you have to keep in mind. There are various reasons for which this destination is one of the top picks for every tourist. The following points will demonstrate the reasons for which every tourist must visit this national park.

Tanzania safari Serengeti
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1. Game Drives

This is one of the most prominent reasons for which tourists need to make it to this spot. Although you may not have to visit this park during the peak season of migration, the game viewing has to be done with the help of experts. While traveling in a vehicle to unravel the wonderful game drive which is common in this park you can choose to view small creatures and big animals. No matter what it is, you have to keep your eyes glued to the sight to capture the most. For the best Tanzania safari, you have to get in touch with expert tour operators.

Taking flight in hot air balloon
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2. Taking flight in hot air balloon

Taking flight in hot air balloon is another exciting thing in which you can engage which allow you view the animals that are out in the open. You can float with the wind if you want and after returning to the ground you can enjoy the nicest breakfast with champagne. For Tanzania safari Serengeti you can contact to get the best services. Try to find out the offerings of the tour operator and choose from the options that are available.

Wildlife safaris day tours 3. Viewing the birds

Even if you are not a bird enthusiast in the real sense there is no harm in catching some of the rarest species in this national park. While there are the larger ones such as bateleur or the Martian Eagle, you will come across some of the other species that are small and taking a glance at the versatility of their activities provides sheer joy.

Masai village

4. Visiting Maasai village

During a trip to Serengeti National Park, you cannot miss a trip to the Masai village and get a feel of the cultural experience.

Beautiful landscape in the park
Image courtesy:

5. Beautiful landscape in the park

Not only do you need to visit this park to view the largest species of animals and birds but the natural setting of the place is hard to forget. You can take a look at the famous umbrella trees and the rock clusters.

Beautiful landscape in the park

6. Sound of animals and birds

The sound of the wild animals and birds in this location can take you to another world and the experience of staying in the wilderness is great indeed.

Early morning and sunset

7. Early morning and sunset

Exploring the beauty of early morning sunrise and sunset is another reason for which you have to visit this national park. While the beauty of sunrise and sunset is astounding, you will bear some of the unforgettable memories of the time that you spend in this location.

Wildebeest migration

8. Wildebeest migration

Seeing the animals migrate to another location in herds that you will hardly come across elsewhere. You have probably watched them on your television but now you need to catch them live.

Opportunity for photographers

9. Opportunity for photographers

For enthusiasts of photography there are plenty of opportunities in his location, watching the animals and their movements through the lens is a pleasure.

Luxury accommodation options

10. Luxury accommodation options

There are plenty of options for luxury accommodation in this location that are available for the tourists.

Choosing from packages

If you are interested to visit this location, you can choose from the number of packages that are available. Depending on the package you choose you have to get the right option of accommodation to explore the park fully.

About Author


Am an experienced Kilimanjaro mountain guide and a safari organiser, I have been doing this work for over 15 year now.

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