When planning for Kilimanjaro, the success of the trek depends on the right route you take. The right path to the summit would determine your experience on the route and how smoothly you have covered the journey. From a total of 7 routes, 4 have a high success rate, and these are:

  • Machame route
  • Norther circuit route
  • Lemosho route
  • Rongai route

Machame route

As per experts and travelers, the success rate is almost 80%, and one can surely enjoy the journey via these routes. It takes 6 to 10 days to reach via these routes, but it is preferable not to try in 6 days. To make it smooth and better, a 7 to 8 days span is perfect. However, there are additional factors that impact the success of the climbing.

How is the duration of the climb affected?

It would mainly depend on the number of days you wish to spend climbing on the trek. In addition, it would depend on whether you wish to take extra time for climate problems. Do not try for the faster ways as it may not be comfortable. If you reach the number of days, it will reduce the time to reach the summit making it difficult. If you have an extra day to climb, it is better that you do not reduce the number of days and try to make it comfortable. There can be the chance of altitude sickness, so you should have time for it.

When there is a short distance, it may result in a steeper climb, and it will take you to the next point. So, depending on the number of days, you have to measure the distance and how much you can plan for it.

Scenery and views on the way

Level of ease or difficulty

It would depend on whether you wish to have a gentle climb or a challenging one. You can also opt for a comfortable one with some steep terrains. If you wish to get a gentle incline, it can take a long time, and it would include more costs. A steep climb can easily take you to the summit, and you will have less time for acclimatization. Therefore, it is better to opt for the right route decision as per the guidance of your guide and go by a comfortable option.

Scenery and views on the way

Do you wish to enjoy the views on the way to climb? Having to spend a week amidst scenic beauty and beautiful scenery on the way. The views will differ from one route to another, and you are sure to enjoy climbing the summit.

How much elevated in starting point?

Do you prefer a high or low starting point? There is the option of taking a car to drive to a higher point and will take you to an easier section of the climb option. In addition, traffic matters and you have to choose between quiet routes to choose from as per convenience. The popular routes are meant to be crowded with other climbers, and you have to decide on the one depending on the number of days within which you wish to complete the climb and reach the summit.

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About Author


Am an experienced Kilimanjaro mountain guide and a safari organiser, I have been doing this work for over 15 year now.

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