Tanzania, one of the best African countries has great options to offer in its store when it comes to safari tours. Plenty of options are available both on northern and southern part of Tanzania. You have to choose the destinations and make correct itinerary depending on the number of days available and how you wish to experience the safari ride.

Northern Tanzania destinations  

Serengeti National Park

1. Serengeti National Park –It is the best safari destination which is known for annual migration. It is a like a home to plenty of predators like cheetahs, wild dogs, lions, leopards and also a birding destination to visit.

Ngorongoro Crater

2. Ngorongoro Crater – The other name is ‘Garden of Eden’ and the highest concentration of different specie sin Africa. In addition to this, it is also the largest volcanic caldera and has the old version of Homo sapiens.

Lake Manyara National Park

3. Lake Manyara National Park – The reserve is famous for tree climbing lions. Though, small in size, it is home to diverse options for animal and bird life. One can witness incredible several options of habitats in the place. It has rich animal and bird populations.

Tarangire National Park

4. Tarangire National Park – Though, an underrated park option, has diversity of animals. One can enjoy its best view during the dry winter months. The ancient baobob trees along with rock art are common here.

Mount Kilimanjaro

5. Mount Kilimanjaro – It is tallest mountain peaks in Africa, which is seen snow-capped and the views are great to witness from the plains of Tanzania.

Options available in Southern Part of Tanzania

Ruaha National Park

1. Ruaha National Park – Though a secret place for wildlife, it is the second largest park for wildlife habitats in Tanzania. The buffalo herds and elephants are worth seeing in this place.

Gombe Stream National park

2. Gombe Stream National park – It is an excellent primate rich forest and one of the best to visit for the safaris in Tanzania. Exploring the steep valleys in the forest would be an excellent experience.

Mahale Mountain national park

3. Mahale Mountain national park – This remote park in Tanzania is the best for witness chimpanzees. For the ones who make it to Mahale, the lush forest scenes coupled with sand beaches of Lake Tanganyika are the best to experience.

Zanzibar Island

Beach destinations to add in your safari tour

  • Zanzibar Island
  • Mnemba Island
  • Pemba island
  • Mafia island
  • Saadani national park
  • Pangani and Ushongo beach
  • Sange beach

Together, these beach safari destinations are one of the best when it comes to enjoying your safari tour and making memories of a lifetime. Pick the right destinations that would be best suited for the number of days of your safari trip.

Pack up and ready to head out

Pack up and ready to head out

The expert guidance at Kilimanjaro Vikings would help you plan for the best safaris and make the most of it. Make sure that it covers up the must-see places that come in your way and so, it demands choosing the right route for the safari. We are a preferred choice for the custom made safari plan that would give you the best memories for your safari and discuss with our experts before going on it.

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About Author


Am an experienced Kilimanjaro mountain guide and a safari organiser, I have been doing this work for over 15 year now.

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